Built up a branch office with an Interim Manager

Our Polish Interim Manager was assigned to build up the branch office in Katowice, Poland, as part of the company’s expansion strategy in Eastern Europe. The office was supposed to provide sales, marketing, and customer service for the region, as well as act as a liaison with the local partners and authorities.


The main challenges were:

  • Establishing the office from scratch, including finding a suitable location, setting up the infrastructure, and complying with the legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Training a qualified and motivated team, including sales representatives, marketing specialists, customer service agents, and administrative staff.
  • Working together with the deputy branch manager, who was a local hire, and coaching him in leading the office and adapting to the company’s culture and values.
  • Developing and following a realistic and ambitious business plan, aligned with the company’s goals and expectations, and adjusting it according to the market conditions and feedback.
  • Implementing the monthly reporting procedure, ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of the data, and communicating the progress and challenges to the European HQ in Germany.


The main actions were:

  • Conducting a thorough market research and analysis, identifying the opportunities and threats, the customer segments and needs, the competitors and their strategies, and the best practices and trends.
  • Securing a lease for a modern and spacious office in a strategic location, close to the city center and the main transport hubs, and negotiating favorable terms and conditions.
  • Hiring a local agency to assist with the legal and administrative aspects of setting up the office, such as registering the company, obtaining the permits and licenses, and paying the taxes and fees.
  • Designing and delivering a comprehensive training program, covering the company’s history, mission, values, products, services, policies, and procedures, as well as the specific skills and knowledge required for each role and function.
  • Establishing a close and trustful relationship with the deputy branch manager, providing him with regular feedback, guidance, and support, and empowering him to make decisions and solve problems.
  • Creating and executing a detailed and realistic business plan, setting clear and measurable objectives, strategies, and actions, and allocating the necessary resources and budget.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the performance and results of the office, using various indicators and metrics, such as sales volume, revenue, market share, customer satisfaction, and employee engagement.
  • Preparing and submitting monthly reports, highlighting the achievements and challenges, the lessons learned and the best practices, and the recommendations and action plans for improvement.
  • Reporting and presenting the results and progress to the European HQ, using clear and concise language, data, and visuals, and answering any questions or concerns.


The main results achieved were:

  • Successfully setting up the branch office in Kattowice within the planned time frame and budget, and complying with all the legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Training a high-performing and diverse team, who demonstrated a high level of commitment, motivation, and satisfaction with their work and the company.
  • Building a strong and effective partnership with the deputy branch manager, who proved to be a valuable asset and a potential leader for the future growth of the office and the region.
  • Exceeding the business plan targets.
  • Enhancing the company’s reputation and visibility in the region, establishing positive and long-term relationships with the local partners and authorities, and participating in various industry events and initiatives.
  • Receiving positive feedback and recognition from the European HQ, who praised the office’s performance and results, and expressed their confidence and support for the future development and expansion.


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Bodo Blanke


Piotr Golinski